Methodology Why are you giving This analysis comes from over 200,000 this away for free?! Phrasee-generated messages over a five-year period, comprising billions The number one question we’re asked of individual opens and clicks. is “which words should I include to create the best-performing messages?”. We took a range of frequently appearing Here’s the thing: we’ve got a whoooole lot of words, phrases, and emojis from messages data (what you’re about to see is just a tiny sliver sent by the world’s biggest brands and dug of it), so we can tell you what’s working for other deep into our data to find the lower quartile brands, and how that’s changing over the years. (25th percentile score), median (50th percentile score), and upper quartile (75th percentile What we can’t tell you is what will work for score) of each phrase. The lower quartile shows you. Every brand is unique, from your tone the lower-performing message variants, the of voice to your customers to your marketing upper quartile shows the higher-performing strategy, and what works for Walgreens variants, and the median sits in the middle. doesn’t work for Party City. This should give you an indication of the But with so much data, we can look at trends, average risk or benefit of using a specific and say what tends to work better for most phrase in your own messages. The higher brands, and what tends to bomb. the number, the higher the likelihood that the variant will perform well. For instance, That’s why we’re not worried about opening a phrase with a –10% median is less likely our data vaults. Take it! It’s all interesting stuff! to lead to a performance uplift than one We even invite you to test out some of the best- with a 10% median. performing phrases for yourself, and hopefully it’ll work out for you. However, more than likely, If you want to see the full data set, head to you need to experiment at scale with your the appendix, where you’ll find all the phrases content to ensure that your messages we looked at, along with the associated data. are always on point.
10 ways top brands are double-clicking with customers Page 3 Page 5