Testing, testing... testing? Testing is the secret to better optimization and more ROI. Organization is testing to understand what language is resonating: according to our survey of 300 senior US marketers) Put simply, it’s how marketers can find out what’s ( resonating, and then double down on it. We don’t like to scaremonger, but if you’re not doing any meaningful testing as a marketer, you’re essentially sabotaging your chances of growing engagement. 16% 24% The problem is this: less than one in four marketers is doing any type of testing to understand what is resonating with customers, according to our survey of 300 senior US marketers. Of those that are, the majority is only doing Yes rudimentary A/B testing. If this rings true for you, then this 12% No, it’s too time consuming paper is your springboard for putting things right with a but we would like to meaningful testing strategy... No, I don’t think it is important I don’t know 48% www.phrasee.co 2
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